2011年7月21日 星期四
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2011年7月18日 星期一
隨著近年來Cambridge成功地新增所出版期刊的數量、影響指數的提升,以及CJO平台上的多項功能增強。Cambridge Journals Online的使用量,不論在現刊與過刊部分,都因此隨之增加。比起過去,目前也已有更多的人能夠使用CJO了。
Cambridge為與忠實客戶慶祝這份成就,也藉此提供非訂戶一個機會,探究CJO提供的服務內容,因此自2011年7/15日起,所有出版於Cambridge 2009與2010年的期刊內容,免費開放讀者使用六週,至8/30日止!機會難得,敬請把握!
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CJO Church History 期刊邀請亞洲學者投搞
如果您是亞洲的學者,或者是專攻亞洲研究,Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture 現在想要出版您的研究論文。
Church History的編輯群,向所有基督教歷史領域裡的專家學者邀稿。投稿論文內容需清楚明確,且須是原創性研究,能夠提供專家學者更多資訊,也能引起基督教歷史學家的興趣。
關於更多的投稿細節,請看instructions for contributors
這裡有一些過往發表於Christian Church上的文章:
Junhyoung Michael Shin, from Seoul National University, whose article "Avalokiteśvara's Manifestation as the Virgin Mary: The Jesuit Adaptation and the Visual Conflation in Japanese Catholicism after 1614" discusses the visual culture of underground Christians in Japan, focusing on the Nagasaki and Bungo regions of Kyushu
Peter Chien-main Wang, at the National Central University, Taiwan, whose article "Caring Beyond National Borders: The YMCA and Chinese Laborers in World War I Europe" examines the origin, operation, and development of this international project and assesses its significance both in church history and in modern China
Dae Young Ryu, at Handong University in South Korea, whose article "The Origin and Characteristics of Evangelical Protestantism in Korea at the Turn of the Twentieth Century" covers the theological, ethical, and spiritual nature of the Protestantism that American missionaries introduced to Korea, and why such characteristics continue to determine the basic temperament of Korean Protestant churches today
"What Should Christians Do About a Shaman-Progenitor? Evangelicals and Ethnic Nationalism in South Korea", by Timothy S. Lee
"Watchman Nee and the Little Flock Movement in Maoist China", by Joseph Tse-Hei Lee
"An Egyptian in China: Ahmed Fahmy and the Making of 'World Christianities'", by Heather J. Sharkey
Church History的編輯群,向所有基督教歷史領域裡的專家學者邀稿。投稿論文內容需清楚明確,且須是原創性研究,能夠提供專家學者更多資訊,也能引起基督教歷史學家的興趣。
關於更多的投稿細節,請看instructions for contributors
這裡有一些過往發表於Christian Church上的文章:
Junhyoung Michael Shin, from Seoul National University, whose article "Avalokiteśvara's Manifestation as the Virgin Mary: The Jesuit Adaptation and the Visual Conflation in Japanese Catholicism after 1614" discusses the visual culture of underground Christians in Japan, focusing on the Nagasaki and Bungo regions of Kyushu
Peter Chien-main Wang, at the National Central University, Taiwan, whose article "Caring Beyond National Borders: The YMCA and Chinese Laborers in World War I Europe" examines the origin, operation, and development of this international project and assesses its significance both in church history and in modern China
Dae Young Ryu, at Handong University in South Korea, whose article "The Origin and Characteristics of Evangelical Protestantism in Korea at the Turn of the Twentieth Century" covers the theological, ethical, and spiritual nature of the Protestantism that American missionaries introduced to Korea, and why such characteristics continue to determine the basic temperament of Korean Protestant churches today
"What Should Christians Do About a Shaman-Progenitor? Evangelicals and Ethnic Nationalism in South Korea", by Timothy S. Lee
"Watchman Nee and the Little Flock Movement in Maoist China", by Joseph Tse-Hei Lee
"An Egyptian in China: Ahmed Fahmy and the Making of 'World Christianities'", by Heather J. Sharkey
2011年7月5日 星期二
成功大學資工系碩一黃琮蔚 揚名國際
成功大學資訊工程學系碩士班一年級學生黃琮蔚以「數位微流體生物晶片設計自動化及最佳化(Design and Optimization for Digital Microfluidic Biochips)」為題,於國際計算機學會(ACM)所舉辦的「國際學生研究競賽全球總決賽中(SRC Grand Final)」,擊敗世界各國好手,拿下全球第二名,創下歷年來台灣學生參與ACM競賽最佳成績。黃煌煇校長鼓勵他繼續研究,並轉化為對人類健康最有貢獻 的應用上。
這幾年來黃琮蔚在何宗易教授指導下,已經是許多國際學術會議學生論文發表的新秀,針對微流體生物晶片自動化設計已發表了諸多論文,像是IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference(DAC),IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design(ICCAD),以及知名期刊IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems(TCAD)。這些傑出的表現更有評審直接誇讚說「從來沒看過這麼年輕就這麼厲害的研究生」。
摘錄自 成功大學-新聞中心
想瞭解黃琮蔚在ACM發表的文章? 請按我連結
2011年7月4日 星期一
JAMAevidence demo 新豋場
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