2011年11月28日 星期一
Science Online 線上教材中文版上線
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瞭解2011 諾貝爾物理獎作者在天體物理學的卓越研究
- 美國科學家,Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 和University of California, Berkeley的 Saul Perlmutter
- 美國澳大利雙重國籍科学家,Australian National University的Brian P. Schmidt
- 美國科學家,Johns Hopkins University和Space Telescope Science Institute的Adam G. Riess
- Supernovae, Dark Energy, and the Accelerating Universe
- The Nearby Supernova Factory dataset-improving SNe Ia as dark energy probes
- Seeing Dark Energy
- Cepheid Variables in the Antennae
- The SH0ES Project: Observations of Cepheids in NGC 4258 and Type Ia SN Hosts
- Seeing Dark Energy 10 Years Later
- The Supernova Type Ia Rate Evolution with SNLS
- The Peculiar Type Ia Supernova 2005hk
- Type Ia supernova diversity: Standardizing the candles
- Kinematics and Dark Energy from Supernovae at z > 1
- Towards Measuring the Cosmic Gamma-Ray Burst Rate
- Rapid Identification of Optical Afterglows: Bright Prospects
- Supernovae, dark energy, and the accelerating universe: What next?
- Evidence from Type Ia supernovae for an accelerating universe
- A high peculiarity rate for Type Ia SNe
- Cosmological parameters from supernovae: Two groups' results agree
- A one-meter aperture wide-field camera for the Japanese exposure module on space station
- A search for gamma-ray burst optical emission with the automated patrol telescope
- Automated search for supernova explosions
詳請可上:http://china.aip.org/2011_nobel_prize_in_physics or http://journals.aip.org/Nobel2011.html
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