ACM Transactions on Economics and
Computation (TEAC) 是 ACM 即將出版的新期刊,專注在電腦科學和經濟學的跨領域研究,此本期刊涵蓋主題範圍設定相當廣泛,且對此跨領域研究的任何新方向保持開放,包括理論和應用層面,以下列舉和電腦科學和經濟學兩者皆相關的主題,但不限於以下主題:
- Algorithmic game theory
- Mechanism design
- Design and analysis of electronic markets
- Computation of equilibria
- Cost of strategic behavior and cost of decentralization ("price of anarchy")
- Learning in games and markets
- Systems resilient against malicious agents
- Economics of computational advertising
- Paid search auctions
- Agents in networks
- Electronic commerce
- Computational social choice
- Recommendation / reputation / trust systems
- Privacy
ISSN 2167-8375
(Online) ISSN 2167-8383
(Online) ISSN 2167-8383