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近兩個月健康經濟論文底稿下載次數 TOP5
– 2012/11/1
1. Saving Small Employer Health Insurance. Amy
Monahan and Daniel
Schwarcz. University
of Minnesota.
2. The
Receding Tide of Medical Malpractice Litigation. Myungho
Paik, Bernard
S. Black and David A.
Hyman. Northwestern University, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign.
Does Universal Coverage Improve
Health? The Massachusetts
Experience. Charles
Courtemanche and Daniela
Zapata. Andrew Young School
of Policy Studies, University of North Carolina (UNC) at Greensboro.
4. Work
‘Til You Drop: Short and Longer-Term Health Effects of Retirement in Europe. Gabriel
H. Sahlgren. Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA).
5. Do
Work Conditions Affect Individual Health? - An Economic Valuation of Job
Stressors and the Work-Life Balance. Stefan
Boes and Kaspar
Wüthrich. University
of Bern.
– 2012/11/1
1. Saving Small Employer Health Insurance. Amy Monahan
and Daniel Schwarcz. University of Minnesota.
2. The
Receding Tide of Medical Malpractice Litigation. Myungho Paik, Bernard S. Black and David A. Hyman.
Northwestern University, University
of Illinois at
Does Universal Coverage Improve
Health? The Massachusetts
Experience. Charles Courtemanche
and Daniela Zapata. Andrew Young
School of Policy Studies, University of North Carolina
(UNC) at Greensboro.
4. Work
‘Til You Drop: Short and Longer-Term Health Effects of Retirement in Europe. Gabriel H. Sahlgren.
Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA).
5. Do
Work Conditions Affect Individual Health? - An Economic Valuation of Job
Stressors and the Work-Life Balance. Stefan Boes and Kaspar Wüthrich. University of Bern.